Two black dogs

Our Mission Statement

Home Vet Care provides professional, personal, mobile veterinary care in the privacy of your own home. Your dog or cat will receive the highest quality care away from the stresses of the typical veterinary hospital. We will provide your pet with individualized exams, evaluations, and treatments.


My house-call veterinary services are perfectly suited for families with busy schedules, owners of multiple pets, pets that are easily stressed or scared, owners with disabilities, or simply those who prefer the relaxed environment of their home.


I have been practicing veterinary medicine for 31 years & started my house call practice in 1999. We service Richmond, Hanover, and the surrounding counties. 


Please call us to set-up an appointment or for more information.

Dr. Kathryn Hurley

We're passionate about your pets!

Trust in our compassionate service and competitive rates to care for your pet's needs.

Call for a FREE estimate
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